I like to print articles I find online but many of my students don’t. “It’s easier to read on the screen,” they say. “And printers are always breaking down.” True enough, though staring at a screen for extended periods is no fun either. Nor is wading through a sea of extraneous material like adverts, banners and buttons. One solution is PDF files – but they can be a chore to produce and involve downloads, special plug-ins and other complications. What is needed is something that cuts down the work for everyone. Here are a couple of free options: Readability “a simple tool that makes reading on the Web more enjoyable by removing the clutter around what you’re reading.” (Source: Arc90.com) That’s a big claim, but it’s justified. Readability is becoming a standard option on most browsers - really easy to install, too. You can see how it works and download from here Evernote Clearly The new form of the old Readable App which had a small but devoted user base. If you ...